Celebrity Tips to Help You Look Amazing in Your Wedding Photos

Celebrities have a glam team and personal trainers to help them look stunning. But there is something else that helps these stars look gorgeous – secret celebrity tips on how to look their best in photos.

They know what to do every time a camera flashes in front of them, and now you will know too because we’re sharing the biggest celebrity secrets to take perfect photos every time. Below, we’re sharing some tricks you can use for not only for your wedding portraits but also for any time a camera is raised in front of you!

Find Your Best Angle

It’s common to want to lose a few extra pounds before the wedding day arrives. But why put that kind of pressure on yourself before the big day? Instead, use this celebrity secret photo pose for the best angle: turn your body slightly away from the camera and put your weight on your back foot. Stretch your other leg and cross it in front, with one foot pointed at the camera. Slightly bend your knee so that you do not look rigid. Then put one of your hands on your waist but be sure not to press it onto your body. Lastly, don’t forget to smile!

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Ask Your Makeup Artist For Contour Tips

Contour wedding makeup is an excellent way to refine your cheeks and chin without plastic surgery. Additionally, it emphasizes the best features of your face and gives you a healthy glow. There are two essential products when doing contour wedding makeup: A bronzer to define your face, and a highlighter to give you a dewy look.

Apply the bronzer to your hairline, the sides of your forehead, the hollows of your cheeks, and the sides of your chin. You can also apply this product on the sides of your nose to make it look more refined if needed. Blend the bronzer to remove harsh lines.

Once you apply the bronzer, you are now ready to proceed to the next step of contour wedding makeup, which is highlighting. Highlighters are used in areas where there is no bronzer. These areas include the center of your forehead, the highpoints of your cheeks, your cupid’s bow, chin, and nose bridge if you contour your nose. You can also apply it to the arch of your brows to create a wide-gap illusion between your eyebrows and your eyes. Blend the highlighter to reduce the shine.

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Get Some Color

Getting just a touch of color can make you look refreshed—and thinner—on your wedding day. You can go for a spray tan and/or use a self-tanning cream. Just be sure to do either well before the wedding. You wouldn’t want to risk any of the product staining your wedding outfits! And be sure not to overdo the tanning—you wouldn’t want to look like a carrot on your big day!

Smile like this

Your smile is your best accessory on your wedding day.  To achieve a celebrity-like smile, simply tuck your tongue behind your upper teeth. This way of smiling “slims down” your neck and controls your face so your eyes don’t close too much.

Stand Up Straight

You’re in this beautiful outfit—the last thing you should do is slouch! Good posture benefits not only your skeletal system but also your photos. You will look thinner, more regal and more polished. You are star of the day so stand up straight and proud!

Take a look at our portfolio to catch these tips in action!



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