Meet the Team – Melissa Faulkner

From the first time you watch an NST Pictures wedding film to the day you receive your final products, the dedicated team at NST is working hard to make every step of your journey into marital bliss easy and fun! Get to know the passionate people who are helping to make your dreams come true.

Melissa Faulkner

Wedding Consultant

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How did you make your way to working at NST Pictures?

I’ve always been an entrepreneur, and I spent most of my twenties traveling the country and teaching yoga for my business Om Brewers.
I lost my business to the pandemic, but in its place, I found an unbelievable joy in helping other entrepreneurs live their dreams. For the last four years, I’ve worked for many small business owners – from children’s toys, to fitness events, to plant care apps!

Why did you choose the wedding industry?

The wedding industry chose me! I started consulting for a wedding entertainment company in Boston in 2023, and then I found a home at NST Pictures after moving to NYC in early 2024. It’s not an industry I sought out, but it’s an industry I belong in.
I feel so fulfilled working in the business of love, with lots of strong women. Including our brides and all our vendor partners. Watching everything come together is pure magic.

What do you like about working at NST Pictures?

Our strong female-led team. We are a company with global reach, but our core team is a small group of dedicated, brilliant women. I am honored to learn from them and with them every day.

What is your favorite part of your job as one of NST’s wedding consultants?

Phone calls with our couples! I love meeting new people, I love their love stories and I love being a go-to person to build community and solve problems.

You’ve watched hundreds of weddings (literally!) so what wedding videography advice do you have for couples?

Give yourself the gift of zero planning at least three months before your wedding.
You deserve to be absorbed in love leading up to the big day, rather than stressing over details that can be solidified far in advance – by you or with the help of a planner.
Trust your gut when you book your vendors, and trust your vendor’s expertise. They’ve got you.
Let everything unfold exactly as it is meant to.

Outside of NST, what artistic passions do you pursue?

I love to write poetry and I recently published my first book!

You’re more than just a wedding expert though, so to get to know you better, tell us about your ideal day off of work!

Nothing beats a sunny day, on a blanket in Central Park, soaking in the sun, people watching, and feeling so inspired by New York City!

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Have you met Tina Chin, one of our Wedding Consultants and the rest of our headquarters team?








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6 Science-Backed Strategies for Coping With Pre-Wedding Stress