How To Write a Maid of Honor Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re dreading it or are thrilled to stand up and delight the audience with flattering stories about your girl, it can be a challenge to figure out how to write a Maid of Honor speech that flows easily, keeps the audience interested and ends with a bang.

Follow this simple outline to help you write a wedding speech that gets all of the cheering, kind laughter and “aww”s your friend deserves!

  1. Before you begin, think of a character trait that your friend and her spouse have that really says a lot about the kind of people they are. Are they both extremely generous? Are they the life of the party? Are they loyal? Pick one to be the theme of your speech.

Example: Adventurous

writing a maid of honor speech - How To Write a Maid of Honor Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Start by introducing yourself.

Example: Good evening, everyone! My name is Laura and I am Ashley’s Maid of Honor. Ashley and I first met interning together at an advertising agency in Richmond. I knew we were going to hit it off when I saw her roll into work, hair blowing in the wind in her Jeep Wrangler, singing “Oops, I Did It Again” at the top of her lungs. We bonded over happy hour margaritas and the rest is history.

  1. Tell a story about your friend’s character that revolves around the character trait you chose earlier. The more detailed and personal, the better, as long as it’s not mean!

Example: One of the reasons I love Ashley so much, is that she loves adventure. I first realized this when we went on spring break in Florida. While everyone else was drinking at the beach, Ashley convinced me to go zip-lining. When we got there, this place looked sketch. I mean, oooold harnesses, rickety ladders and the lines were super high. There was no way I was going up there… yet somehow, Ashley convinced me. After flying through untrimmed tree branches and seeing the best view of my life, I couldn’t be more grateful that Ashley coaxed me into that thrill. And that’s the kind of thing I love about her; She’s never afraid because she knows the payoff is always worth the risk. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a very rare trait and I’m so lucky to have a friend who can push me out of my comfort zone like her.

  1. Tell a story about her spouse that shows how he or she has the same character trait.

Example: One day, Ashley calls me up and says, “So I met this guy… He’s a deep sea diver who collects stuff 70 feet down at the bottom of the ocean for scientific research and he’s so much fun!” I hadn’t even met him, but I knew this was a good sign. Anyone who is willing to go 7 stories underwater for any reason is fearless in my book!

Tips for writing a Maid of Honor Speech - How To Write a Maid of Honor Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Tie the two stories together and elaborate.

Example: When I found out he worked on contract just so he could travel for months at a time between jobs, I knew they would be an amazing match. I know they will be the perfect team as they take on all of life’s adventures together, from hiking Machu Picchu on their bucket list trip to downsizing to a condo on the beach after their future children have left the nest. And each step of the way, they’ll throw caution to the wind, because that’s the kind of wild, brave, strong and passionate people they are.

maid of honor toast - How To Write a Maid of Honor Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Toast the happy couple.

Example: I’m so happy that you two have found each other and I can’t wait to follow along as you take on the world! Please join me in raising a glass to Ashley and Matt!

Now you know how to write a Maid of Honor speech that will bring down the house! Follow these guidelines, make sure to avoid these mistakes, and you’ll have a memorable toast, fit for a wedding video like this one!

You’re going to do great. Start early and practice!

If your friend is still looking for a wedding videographer, it’s not too late! Get packages for her here.

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[…] How To Write a Maid of Honor Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide […]

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