
NST Pictures: What is a Movie Poster?

Movie Poster

Your wedding is the perfect romantic comedy movie and this is your movie poster.

poster 683x1024 - NST Pictures: What is a Movie Poster?

Editing style: artistically done in the form of a classic movie poster
Audio: N/A
Length: N/A
Package: Available to add on to any of our packages
Delivery: Shipped via FedEx

Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like – send us your favorite photo from your wedding portrait session, and we will create a beautiful movie poster that reflects your wedding style! Hang it in your room, show it to friends… it’s the perfect unique wedding memory!

Just like with all of our films, we make sure that every one of our products is created in the same, consistent style and lives up to our company’s and brides’ standards. Each Movie Poster Film is crafted with artistic talent, resulting in a final product that we’re proud of and that you will love.

Have questions, or ready to get started? Click here! Or, learn more about the other products we offer below:

NST Pictures: What is a Trailer Film?

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NST Pictures: What is a Cinematic Montage?